The Do’s and Don’ts of Summer Skincare for Glowing Skin



The Do’s and Don’ts of Summer Skincare for Glowing SkinOur skincare regimen must shift as the weather shifts to warmer temperatures and brighter sunshine. After all, you want your skin to continue thriving throughout the summer months. With changes in humidity, increased sun exposure, and other environmental factors, it’s important to alter your skincare routine to meet these new challenges. Here are the do’s and don’ts of summer skincare for glowing skin.

Do: Hydrate Your Skin

Just as your body requires extra hydration during the hot summer months, so does your skin. The heat and sun can dry out your skin, leading to a dull complexion. Ensure you’re applying a hydrating moisturizer daily. Consider looking for a product that contains hyaluronic acid, a powerhouse ingredient known for its moisture retention abilities.

Don’t: Skip Sunscreen

Sunscreen isn’t just for trips to the beach; it should be an integral part of your daily skincare routine, especially in the summer. Make sure to apply broad-spectrum sunscreen, with an SPF of at least 30, to all exposed skin before heading outside. And remember, it’s essential to reapply every two hours when you’re out in the sun.

Do: Keep Your Skin Cool

High temperatures can cause your skin to produce more oil, leading to clogged pores and breakouts. Consider using a facial mist throughout the day to keep your skin cool and refreshed. Not only does this provide a nice pick-me-up, but certain facial mists also come packed with beneficial ingredients like aloe vera and rosewater.

Don’t: Over-Exfoliate

While exfoliation can help get rid of dead skin cells and keep your skin glowing, over-exfoliating can strip the skin of natural oils, leading to dryness and irritation. During the summer, it’s particularly important not to overdo it, as your skin is already dealing with increased sun exposure. Stick to exfoliating once or twice a week.

Now that you know the do’s and don’ts of summer skincare for glowing skin, remember—the best way to have a radiant summer is by working with aesthetic consultants in your area to perfect your skincare routine!

The post The Do’s and Don’ts of Summer Skincare for Glowing Skin appeared first on Skin by Lovely.

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